Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Learning Challange: Books Of Life

Girl Reading Books. Source: Laura's Blogspot

This picture immediately caught my eye, because reading can really teach us so many things in life - whether it is something we know and read it from a different perspective or whether we learn something new; books never disappoint. If we start creating a love / passion for reading at a young age, then it is nit a hobby, but rather something you see as "I can't live without my books" and that is what I hope to get my child to do one day. I want him to read as many books as he can / wants to. There is so much unknown in this world and if only we start reading more..... 

There will be no end to the possibilities!

1 comment:

  1. Vera, this was the same meme I chose to use this week! Unfortunately growing up I never had an interest in reading and I feel like I missed out on so much. Now I have a list of book I want to read but haven’t had time to get to since college is so time consuming. I now love to read but wish I had started at younger age.
