Saturday, February 11, 2017

Learning Challenge: "through hardships to the stars".

(Cat Reaching Out. Creaed Using Cheezburger.

I decided to use the Latin words "Ad astra per aspera" for this picture. Translated, it means "through hardships to the stars". I could not find a photo with starts, so this one was close enough. If one tries hard enough and keep pushing through the difficult times, one will persevere. Do not give up, keep trying and you will succeed. This quote is truly resonating with me, because I am at that point in the semester where I just want to stop doing schoolwork, but I have to push through and keep working hard at it, in order to get my degree and succeed!  


  1. I hear you on that one Vera, at this point it is all on autopilot; however, I can usually find something that I like about the semester and focus on getting back to that part of my studies. For quotes, I like to use latin as well. It just sounds and looks cool. I read a book a long time ago that said to start with the end in mind. Your quote reminded me of that.

  2. I completely understand the struggle of just wanting to not do school work. I am on my last semester and I want to be done so bad. I too just need to push myself and finish the semester strong. I love the quote and the cat. The picture really helped bring together your post.
